Our Vision for Grotech Production
Grotech Production Ltd and its employees are proud to be a highly regarded professional manufacturing outsource that provides solutions to customer problems in specialist sectors in plant protection, household product and general chemical markets.
To Our Customers
Grotech understands their needs and provides appropriate and timely production solutions. The keywords are ‘proud’ and ‘professional’, and these are underpinned by the corporate values. ‘Values’ are those qualities that the company and its employees regard as good and desirable which are therefore expected, encouraged and sought after.
Values That Make Us Proud
Openness – we are prepared to consider new ideas and ways of working and to share our ideas with others.
Honesty – we admit our errors and seek to identify ways to eliminate them.
Respect – we treat each other as valued colleagues even when it is necessary to ask them to do more or better.
Courage – we are prepared to take responsibility for all our actions, to face difficult challenges, to admit we could be wrong and to change accordingly.
Values That Make Us Professional
Accuracy – we do the job exactly right (to the customer’s expectations, to the law’s requirements, and in the best interests of everyone’s health, safety and the environment).
Sustainability – we do the job the right way every time (until we all agree to a better way).
Innovativeness – we offer improvements wherever we see the opportunity (to benefit the customer, our colleagues and the environment).
Flexibility – we adapt to meet the requirements as they arise.
Values In An Individual That Are Endorsed By Grotech Production
Judgement –
> You make wise decisions (people, technical, business and creative) despite ambiguity
> You identify root causes and get beyond treating symptoms
> You think strategically and can articulate, what you are and are not, trying to do
> You smartly separate what must be done well now and what can be improved later
Communication –
> You listen well, instead of acting fast, so you can better understand
> You are concise and articulate in speech and writing
> You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you
> You maintain a calm poise in stressful situations
Impact –
> You accomplish amazing amounts of important work
> You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely on you
> You focus on great results rather than process
> You exhibit bias-to-action and avoid analysis-paralysis
Curiosity –
> You learn rapidly and eagerly
> You seek to understand our strategy, market, customers and suppliers
> You are broadly knowledgeable about business, production technology and agriculture
> You contribute effectively outside your speciality
Passion –
> You inspire others with your thirst for excellence
> You care intensely about Grotech’s success
> You celebrate wins
> You are tenacious
Courage –
> You say what you think even if it is controversial
> You make tough decisions without agonizing
> You take smart risks
> You question actions that are inconsistent with our values
Honesty –
> You are known for candour and directness
> You are non-political when you disagree with others
> You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face
> You are quick to admit mistakes
Selflessness –
> You seek what is best for Grotech rather than best for yourself or your group
> You are ego-less when searching for the best ideas
> You make time to help colleagues
> You share information openly and proactively
Innovation –
> You re-conceptualise issues to discover practical solutions to hard problems.
> You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted and suggest better approaches
> You create new ideas that prove useful
> You keep us nimble by minimizing complexity and finding time to simplify
Welcome to Grotech Production
We present ourselves as ‘Helpful Manufacturing People’ because our people help our customers in every way that we can to solve their problems by mixing and packing stuff for them.
As we are a commercial organisation, we need to carefully manage the fine balance between being ‘helpful’ and being a ‘mug’ but there is never a justification for rudeness or arrogance.
The ‘vision’ is how we see ourselves and how we want others to see us.
Our ‘values’ are what should guide us in the decisions that we make and the way that we behave as we deliver the vision. This should extend to the messages that we deliver in our marketing and advertising material including the media that we use as well as the way that we deal with our suppliers and each other.
To that end we have decided not to use Facebook or Instagram for social media promotion for the following reason.
Facebook’s founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has refused to appear before a Parliamentary Select Committee to respond to the following accusations:
That Facebook –
> Fails to accept that they are publishers of the content that they propagate
> Fails to respond quickly enough to examples of internet abuse
> Fails to pay tax in proportion to the country’s share of global earnings
> Fails to provide evidence of interference in democratic purposes
> Fails to enable the acquisition by Police of the evidence to prosecute illegality without weeks of expensive litigation
We should not use Facebook to promote our business when its business values are so clearly at variance with our own.
By the same token we must be willing to act against any examples of dishonesty or bullying within the company or we are guilty of inconsistency in the application of our values.
The eight company values listed here are also underpinned by nine values that we would expect individual employees to espouse in their daily activities. They have been copied from Netflix which is a very different business but has the same reliance on the quality of its people to achieve its goals.